Bastar is
found in different colors and the butterflies are different species. Are all
familiar with colorful butterfly. Butterfly pleasing to see everyone's mind is
at the moment. I am referring to a wild butterfly species which is found in
Bastar Bastar tribal Hnddha local calls. Yet you will not even read the book of
biology nor be practiced. I A biology professor at AIIMS, doctors and
researchers have not come in and work on my psychological fact.
butterfly species found primarily in Bastar generally familiar butterfly flying
in general, around the bush are visible in colorful colors. Whipped butterfly
called the silk butterfly. Whipped butterfly found in trees like the navigating
thread weaves a Vrittonuma size (abused) by themselves are dead in Vrittonuma
size. Many silk butterfly Ardharup whipped by the other trees whipped back out
of the hole is the same actions. Fulfunderi third species of butterfly which is
of two kinds. Raketnuma butterfly hovers around the pollen of flowers in the
local language Fulfunderi says. Bastar tribal children are fond of sport catch
Hnddha of
Bastar is the Jangli butterfly.
The scientific and Hindi name I do not know. The wild butterfly Hnddha Locals
say that farm-threshing of Bastar, can be found in caves and cow sheds. Its
color is brown, the ability to fly is dynamic and dangerous sting.
Photography & writer by Shivshankar Shrivastava
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